Ian Wallace Photographer and Photo Historian
Original Photography and Photographic History
Photographer and Author
“On a Hill Road” Scotland in Stereo 3D circa 1902

The Story of Andrew Guthrie Milne
This project which took over 10 years to complete culminated in the publication of the book On a Hill Road in 2018.
The book documents a unique body of stereo photographic work created in a small window of time around 1902-1905 by Andrew Guthrie Milne. The period when Andrew took his pictures was a time of great change in society. The new century was still young just as Queen Victoria’s long reign came to an end and the Edwardian period began.
In a short period of at most 3 years Andrew Milne took up photography with his Stereo Victo camera as a serious amateur with a passion and a competitive fever which has left us a wonderful snapshot of the period. As a railwayman Andrew had access to the railway network across Scotland and took his stereo camera across Scotland from Ayr to Thurso.

As a part of the research of Andrew’s work I visited almost every location where Andrew setup his camera. I learnt first hand insights into his story and recorded the changes that the last century has brought. Interestingly there has been change at many, but not all of the locations.
The beauty of the images
If Andrew’s photographs were just typical snapshots this project would have been of less interest. However, Andrew was very careful in his composition. Very many of the pictures are, I believe, of a quality which matches the work of better known professionals such as Frith and GW Wilson who also travelled Scotland with their camera at around this time. Shown below is a particularly good example of a study of the greenhouses at Glamis Castle. This photograph was taken with a special device to enable an extra long exposure. By using this device Andrew was able to ensure everything in the greenhouse was beautifully sharp.

“Greenhouse Glamis Castle” By Andrew Milne 1902
Where can I buy the book?
On a Hill Road is available on my Etsy store and on Amazon .co.uk and ebay.co.uk The price on Etsy include UK postage.
On A Hill Road is a 134 page perfect bound Landscape A4 book. The book includes a stereo viewer so that you can fully enjoy the over 150 3D stereo images of Scotland. Most of the pages about the original locations include a 2D image. These show the locations are seen today, which enables you to see how locations have changed during the last century.
On a Hill Road Talks (pandemic permitting)
There is a an On a Hill Road talk that can be presented to interested groups on request. Find out more here